As I wrote in my previous post, when I finished school I didn't know what to study at the University.

So I started studying Civil Engineering in Mines, while I decided what to do in my future.

I entered the University of La Serena, where I learned about Kinesiology.

Which caught my attention.

So I decided to switch to studying it.

There I fell in love with laboratory work and anatomy.

I was there for a year and it was the pandemic so I decided to freeze.

I was working and since I had free time I used it to learn things that interested me and work on my own projects.

This year I had planned to enter Kinesiology at the University of Chile, but talking to my friend, I said to myself, why didn't I study what I wanted when I was a kid?

So I decided to study anthropology, because when I was little I wanted to be an archaeologist.

Currently I feel very comfortable and happy studying anthropology.

It was really what I wanted to do when I was a kid.

Talking with professors of the course and colleagues from the faculty have motivated me to work with data science, innovating in new techniques.

So I spend my free time researching and thinking XD, which is what I like. 


  1. Hello Andrés, How are u, I remembered that you know all the bones of the hands, because you studied kinesiology. See you later.

  2. Hi Andrés! I was very happy read that you decided to study the major you loved as the child. Wow!
    PS: much success in everything.

  3. Hi andres, what a crazy change from kineseology to anthropology, I'm glad you found your way.


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