
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022

Lautaro Núñez Atencio

Hello everyone!! Today I am here to tell you about Lautaro Nuñez since he is special to me because he was the first archaeologist I knew of his work. The first thing I saw of him were some documentaries and studies on the Inca trail in the great north of Chile. Lautaro Nuñez has mainly worked in the archaeological sites of the Norte Grande of various cultures, from the coast to the highlands. He analyzing materialities and petroglyphs of the cultures that inhabited the territory for a long time. Discovering new trails of the Inca trail in this region. Thus publishing a large number of scientific articles on his studies. Lautaro Nuñez was born in Iquique on January 24, 1938, studied History and Geography at the University of Chile, then obtained a postgraduate degree at the Charles University in Prague and a Doctor of Anthropological Sciences at the University of Tokyo. In 2002 he was awarded for his work with the National Prize for History.


 I have loved photography for years. Like since I was in school. And of all the photos I've taken this one is special to me. (my mom's garden, maybe in 2018) This photo symbolizes how I started taking photos and learning about it. It represents my beginning in photography. The story behind this photo is quite curious but nothing in particular. I always wanted a manual camera (that the values can be adjusted manually) and when I bought my camera, I took it out of the box, I put the battery and a memory in it and I went out to the garden of my house to take pictures. And this is one of those photos I took. Then continue taking many photos and learning a lot, until the pandemic stops taking photos. This summer for a family trip I took pictures again with my camera. I rediscovered what photography produces in me. and that's all for this blog Thanks for reading bye